DEVI Series ~ The Divine Feminine
Devi Series - The Divine Feminine
A homage to the great celestial Mothers, the underlying feminine energy of the universe, the ever present Shakti. She is revered in many different forms and with many different names throughout most religions and beliefs, all honouring aspects of the supreme Mother.
This trio of Lakshmi, Saraswati & Amba collectively represent the qualities of knowledge, prosperity and power, which are valued as playing an essential role in creating a happy and successful life.
These can be called upon to illuminate or support the energies we wish to focus on, increase or help bring balance to in our life
This selection honours all ‘mothers’ everywhere, big roles, small roles and not so obvious roles, all who carry these ‘devi’ aspects within
Salutations to all the heavenly queens, the ‘mothers’ and the ‘carers’, you create and sustain life for the benefit of all
Precious scents to complement heavenly queens